Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Girls Are Growing

Well, so much time has passed and the girls amaze us everyday! Hailey is doing amazing in first grade with her reading and math....just can't get over how grown up she is these days. Ali is another little spit fire. She comes up with new words and phrases everyday. We are really in for some fun times as these little ones grow.
Halloween wasn't the best for our two little ones. It poured all day and only got to go out for a little bit but better that then nothing according to Hailey. We had Gabriella from HSM 3 the "Prom" dress and Ali was little Miss Tinkerbell. Again, all week the weather was amazing but today cold and rainy so extra stuff under and over everything but they had fun and that's what it's about.
I also included a picture of Ali's new big girl room. That was our project the first part of September. She was ready to move from the nursery to a big girl room like sissy. So, we spent a weekend painting and moving around. It's a good thing but mommy had a hard time moving her back with Hailey but they love having the back part of the house for themselves. They run back and forth and play all day. It's wonderful to see them grow but wish they could stay little forever!
Hopefully I can get better at keeping things updated but no promises!

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