Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Been Too Long

Time is flying so fast these days. Our girls seem to do something different everyday and give us amazing blessings along the way. It's true that each days needs to be captured because they grow so fast.
Hailey is such an amazing little girl. She is so smart, funny and emotional. She has such a compasion for everything that sometimes it can be too much. We continue to guide her in the right direction, but still want her to just be a kid. She has an interest this spring for soccer so well see how that and update to follow.
Ali is our typical little girl. Coloring on everything, climbing on whatever she can, and following in her big sister's foot steps. It's hard to believe that she is already 1 1/2...and just a little peanut. She is talking a lot and jabbers all the time if she can't get the words out. She is a very happy baby.
I will upload extra pictures so check it out and come back frequently.

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