Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Growing So Fast

We've been having some fun taking cute pictures of the girls. The weather is getting cold in PA, but the girls are loving the front porch. I also uploaded a new group of photo's in our gallery. Ali and Hailey are growing so fast it's unbelievable. Enjoy the pictures....Halloween photo's coming soon!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hailey's Kindergarten Picture

Our little Kindergartner finally got her school pictures the other day. She is just loving school and is doing great. She is finishing her first nine weeks and got all positive feedback. Hopefully she will continue to strive!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ali is walking and dancing

Ali loves to dance. Any time she hears music she starts to move. It's so funny to see her when we are at the mall. She just starts to grove. The second video shows how she is teaching her baby how to dance. She love to carry that little stool and she has a purple plastic chair that she takes all over the house.

It's Been Awhile

It's been a few weeks since I've updated our blog, so I thought today was the best day to put time aside to share some pictures of our wonderful little girls.

Hailey is growing into such a wonderful little girl. She is going great in school and loves her teacher. She is having such a great experience. Hailey is now an official Daisy (Girl Scout) and mommy is the troop leader. It's work on my part, but I love being able to share that experience with her.

Ali is on the move. She wants to do everything Hailey is doing. She is now trying to do summer salts because she sees Hailey doing them. But for right now she just bends over and looks between her legs. She started lifting the one, so she'll be rolling over soon. She is just so amazing. Saying more words everyday, but really understands what you are asking her.

There is just not enough words to describe the joy these two little girls bring to our lives. Hailey is a wonderful teacher and Ali is showing herself to be a wonderful student. It brings tears to my eyes when I see the two of the walking together. What a beautiful picture.

Hailey loves to read to Ali. Ali will sit and listen to every word coming out of Hailey's mouth

Ali is trying to be just like her big sister . They enjoy sitting on the couch together before Hailey is off to school. They usually snack on cereal together.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Walking Everywhere!

Ali is finally walking on her own. She has been doing this now for a couple of weeks. She is wanting to run like Hailey, but has mastered walking a little faster. It's so fun to see the two girls together walking side by side. Hailey is a wonderful big sister and helps Ali all the time. Hailey has also showed Ali how to eat with a fork, so now she wants to feed herself all the time. We are so impressed how well she does with her fork.....she also likes to feed the dog from the fork too, but doesn't understand why he doesn't just take small bites like we do.

Ali enjoys coloring with crayons and the picture below shows how she likes to draw on the wall. Hailey always colored on paper and never worried about my walls or furniture.....Ali is going to be a totally different story. She sits on her paper and draws around herself. They are so a like, but different in so many ways.

Both girls are doing wonderful....Hailey is doing great in Kindergarten and her teacher updated us this past week on the fact that she is handling things wonderfully. She is going to start Daisies (girl scouts) soon and mommy is going to be a leader so that we can have some time for just the two of us. Busy on my part, but I'll be glad to do it for her. Extra pictures are attached under our galary so enjoy.

Hailey wanted matching PJ's for her and Ali. They are just too cute......well a mommy can brag!
Ali likes to brush Hailey's hair. It makes it a lot of fun in the morning when I'm doing Hailey's hair, but I have a helper.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Off to Kindergarden!!

On Wednesday, August 27th, Hailey became an official Kindergartner. She did amazing. Her teacher is Mr. Novak and he seems like a wonderful teacher to start her off on her elementary school experience. Every morning since our orientation she has been asking to go to school. Today when I picked her up she said she had a great day and loved Gym. Kirt and I just pray everyday for our girls to have a great experience in life and to welcome each new journey and Hailey is off to a good start!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ali's 1st Birthday!!!

Our little munchkin turned one this past weekend and it was bitter sweet. It's so hard to imagine that Ali has already been with us for a year. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant. Now she has this amazing personality and is walking more and more everyday. She just wants to run....another girl who won't settle for doing something slow. The poor little thing ended up having a rough Friday night with a runny nose from cutting another tooth, but I tell you what it didn't stop her from enjoying her day. We had a little delay in the afternoon when she needed to catch up on her rest. Thank you to everyone who celebrated this milestone in her life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just Some Girl Fun

Ali found Hailey's big girl things and thought it was a lot of fun to play with the other day. She is trying to hard to walk and has taken 4 steps on her own, so any day now she is going to take off. Right now crawling is the fast way to catch Hailey. Ali still wants to eat dog food. She will actually try to pick her snacks up with her mouth instead of her fingers. We tried to get video of her wanting to eat with Sebastian, but it is too dark and you can't see just how funny this little peanut actually is being. She also tried licking up water out of his bowl just like he did. I was hoping that Hailey would have been more of a roll model, but these days it's the dog.
The girls had a blast over at Nona and Papa's new house riding around in their barbie jeep. We weren't sure if Ali would like it or not but Hailey did great driving slow and keeping Ali safe. They had a blast together. We'll see how long that lasts!

Hailey Turns 5

On Friday, August 15th, we had family in for dinner to celebrate Hailey turning 5. She was acting like a goofy nut when we were taking pictures, so I guess she is turning into a ham too. Ali thought the paper was fun and she liked bending the cards. It will be interesting to see what she does next week on her birthday.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Hailey

On Saturday we had Hailey's 5th birthday party with her friends from preschool. We had pony rides for the kids and they loved it! It's just amazing how time is flying with her. It seemed like yesterday I was planning her 1st birthday party now it's her baby sister Ali. I can only imagine how things will be for these girls is years to come.

Our little cow girl enjoyed seeing her friends from school, riding the pony, hitting the horse pinata and of course opening all the great gifts. The celebration will continue on the 15th with the grandparents and of course more presents.

Mr. Nathanial Kimmel

We've had a busy week meeting new baby cousins. Finally we got the opportunity to meeting Nathanial my cousin Miki's little boy. He is eight months old and is bigger then Ali. He is such a doll with beautiful brown eyes. Ali enjoyed taking his binkie from him....not sure why, she doesn't even like them, but he didn't seem to mind too much. Hailey thought he was cute, but wasn't as interested because she couldn't just hold him. She just wanted to be the protector this time around.

Meeting Baby Elise

This past week, the girls and I got to meet our the newest addition to our family, Ms. Elise Graff. She is just a cute little button and looks a lot like her big brother Koen. Hailey got to show off her big sister skills because she got to hold the baby. It was cute because she kept telling me she couldn't believe Ali was ever this small. Ali didn't seem too interested unless she made noise, but she enjoyed taking away any ball that Koen was playing with at the time. It's great having these opportunities when they come along because the kids are growing so fast.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fun Pictures

These are just a few snap shots of the girls from this week. I finally got all three of my kids together the other day for a picture. Ali thought that Sebastian made a good pillow and he didn't seem to mind too much. The other little girl in the other pictures is our niece Tesa who has been visiting this month. The three girls were enjoying their babies and wanted them in the picture. The girls great grandpap Twardy came out to see Tesa for her 10th birthday, so it was a great opportunity to get some snap shots.

Check out our gallery for additional pictures!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Pictures!

Well, tonight marked another set of milestones in our girls lives.....birthday pictures! We can't believe that Hailey is going to be five this year and ready for kindergarden. Then there is little Ali who is turning the big one and it seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. It's just amazing how fast time goes, but they are just amazing miracles that we are so blessed to have in our lives.

Hailey did great with her pictures and Ali didn't want to stand or do anything until daddy gave up his we are going to have a fun story to tell her about her first birthday pictures. She did however have a blast when we took off her little outfit and put a cake in front of her. Boy did we have a mess to clean up....let's just say it was easier to clean the mat then it was Ali.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Photo Gallery

Just wanted to let everyone know that I've placed some misc. pictures in our photo gallery. Mostly of Ali just being a silly little monkey and more of the zoo. The girls are changing so much that it's hard to believe were all the time is going. Hope everyone enjoys seeing them change.

Pittsburgh Zoo....not the Cisson House!

On Saturday the 12th, we took the girls with cousin Tesa to the Pittsburgh Zoo. It was a really nice day, but WAY too hot. The girls enjoyed seeing the animals and meeting the new baby elephant. Hailey was very interested in the aquarium, so we plan to take them back in the fall to visit the aquarium and kids kingdom again.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time to Eat????

Well, Ali has discovered that it's fun to play in Sebastians food and water! Every once in awhile she gets a piece of dog food in her mouth, but at least she hasn't swallowed it! Sebastian has been very patient and Hailey has been a big help when it comes to cleaning up the mess. I'm finding out that she doesn't like being told "No" since she starts crying like she lost an arm when she hears it! Great....another drama queen.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Narragansett, Rhode Island

We took our first big vacation with Ms. Ali Paige. Our big group with Nona, Papa, good friends Mandie and AJ with visits from Great Aunt Cheryl....was to Narragansett, Rhode Island. It was such a wonderful week filled with trips to an old carasel, the beach, mini golf and go cart riding. Hailey had such a great time discovering the beach again (not remembering when we took her at 9 months too)....the water was very cold, but she didn't care. She got to build a huge sand castle with AJ then had a blast knocking it down. Ali thought the water was great and wanted to crawl right in....she also thought the sand tasted pretty good too.

Aunt Cheryl took us to a beautiful old Merry Go Round that was built back in the 1800's. I think Hailey rode it 20 times. She had a blast. Ali got to ride with mommy and thought it was pretty fun....again she wasn't happy because she wasn't riding a horse like her sister.

We got to spend a day of shopping at New Port....again Nona and Papa spoiled the girls, but what else are they supposed to do...vacation or not, right! It was a great shopping area right off the shipping ports.

I have additional pictures posted in our gallery, so check them out. It was a great get away and are planning another family trip next year, so that the girls can have some more fun at the beach!